Spring family photos

This family is pretty outdoorsy. They like being out in nature. The kids like to snowboard, and everyone was actually hoping for snow for the family photos. We ended up having a few little snow patches in their yard that we are able to work with, and it was a lovely sunny evening. It was a great day for the middle of March. Their dog however, was a little chilly. Part way through the session, we had to go get him a coat!

It was great working at the family house. They are of Dutch heritage, and their grandfather made them a windmill for the back yard. It was really nice to have that in some of their images. Inside, every piece of furniture told a story. These people are world travelers and collectors. They lived abroad for a few years too, and had much of their furniture shipped home from their time away. It was really to get a window into people’s lives and tell the stories of Halifax families in fun family portraits!

Halifax family photography
winter family photos halifax
in home family photos
Halifax family photo shoot
Hammonds Plains family photographer
Glen Arbour family photographer
Winter family portraits
Halifax family photos
Family photographers Halifax NS
Hammonds Plains family photographer
Family portraits Halifax NS
Halifax family photo shoot
Halifax family photo shoot
Halifax family portraits
Halifax NS photographers

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